Draw and Impress Guides 7.3 published

Cover of Impress Guide 7.3Cover of Draw Guide 7.3New user guides from the LibreOffice documentation team published in May are LibreOffice 7.3 Draw Guide and LibreOffice 7.3 Impress Guide, available in free PDF, ODT, or to read in a browser. Low-cost printed copies are available from Lulu.com.

Visit the Documentation page on the LibreOffice website for links.

Two new user guides for v7.3: Getting Started and Writer

Cover of LibreOffice 7.3 Getting Started GuideCover of LibreOffice 7.3 Writer GuideThe latest user guides from the LibreOffice documentation team are LibreOffice 7.3 Getting Started Guide and LibreOffice 7.3 Writer Guide, available in free PDF, ODT, or to read in a browser. Low-cost printed copies are available from Lulu.com.

Visit the Documentation page on the LibreOffice website for links.

LibreOffice 7.3 Community release

LibreOffice 7.3 was released on 2 February 2022. Here is the official blog post about it. In addition to interoperability improvements with Microsoft’s proprietary file formats, it includes new features targeted at users migrating from Microsoft Office, to simplify the transition. Help has been improved, and change tracking includes new features.

LibreOffice 7.3 is available natively for new Apple computers using Apple Silicon, in addition to those using Intel processors. The minimum operating system requirement for Apple computers is macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and for Microsoft Windows 7 SP1.

I am liking using this new release, but I encountered a bug that caused my MacBook Pro (2017, running macOS 12.2 Monterey) to crash frequently. The problem is easily solved by disabling Skia graphics rendering. Go to LibreOffice > Preferences > LibreOffice > View and uncheck “Use Skia for all rendering” (as shown in the illustration below). This bug does not affect computers running Windows or Linux, and it will be fixed in version 7.3.1.
LibreOffice View Options dialog

Writer Guide for Mac users

Cover of Writer Guide macOS editionI revised the Writer Guide 7.2 to make a macOS-specific edition, and the LibreOffice Documentation Team accepted it as one of the official books.

You can download the PDF free here.

You can buy a printed version here.

LibreOffice Documentation Year in Review

Olivier Hallot has published a detailed summary of the Documentation Team’s successes during 2021 and a look ahead at plans for 2022.

2021: The Year the LibreOffice Documentation Team Shined