More user guide chapters available

More chapters of LibreOffice user guides are going up on the wiki.

The active user docs team is small but awesome. We could use a few more volunteers: people who can do good work with little supervision, once we help you get started.

LibreOffice 3.5.3 available

Berlin, May 2, 2012 – The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5.3, the fourth version of the 3.5 family. It contains many exciting new features.

You can get it here.

The release notes are here.

The Magic of Editable PDFs

I’m a bit late in linking to Simon Phipps’ article, The Magic of Editable PDFs, but it’s such a great tip that you need to know about it (if you don’t already). Here’s a sample:

Did you know you can send a final document as a PDF attachment that everyone will be able to open and view, but which people who need to will also be able to open and edit? The document that can do this magic is called a “Hybrid PDF”, and anyone can make one using open source software. LibreOffice (and related packages like have been able to make these editable PDFs for quite some time. A Hybrid PDF is a normal PDF file that any PDF reader can display, but with the added benefit that the original source document is also embedded in the file. Any suitably advanced office suite, such as LibreOffice, is able to retrieve the source and allow you to edit it.

Printed copies of LibreOffice 3.4 Getting Started guide now available

Cover of LibO 3.4 Getting Started guidePrinted copies of LibreOffice 3.4 Getting Started guide are now available from

If you would like a printed copy of this book, now is a good time to buy, because is having a sale. Between now and Friday 27 April 2012 at 11:59 pm (in some US time zone), the homepage will have the name of a savings coupon that you can add to your cart to save on the cost of this book—or any other book at

LibreOffice 3.4 Getting Started guide published

Individual chapters and the full book are available on the wiki. Printed copy coming soon.

Other books for v3.4 (Writer Guide, Draw Guide, Impress Guide, Math Guide) in various stages of completion are also on that wiki page. Work has begun on the v3.4 Calc Guide. More help is always welcome.